Monday, February 19, 2007


Welcome to the Lemmings' Family new website! Morgan's old website can be viewed here.

The Lemmings' Family has been quite busy this month! Last week we were in Colorado for work and play. Unfortunately, Morgan had a bout with Rotavirus which knocked her out for several days with a high fever and resulted in a trip to the emergency room (our first with Morgan!). Thankfully she perked up before we left and spent some extra quality time with Ma-ma, Papa, and Auntie Brea.

Brian and I spent a few nights downtown at the Grand Hyatt for my work. On one evening, we spent a long dinner with John and Amy (the couple who introduced us!). We both had babysitters so we were able to enjoy a three hour dinner at a fabulous italian restaurant. It was wonderful not having to eat as fast as possible or to tag team eating with your spouse so one can watch Morgan. We also spent a few hours visiting family in Cheyenne and our friends Josh, Alicia and Lily.

Morgan Playing with Snow!

We returned from Denver late last Saturday and headed to Birmingham the following weekend. Our best friends little boy turned three! We spent Saturday morning at Chuck E Cheese. It is interesting to visit a place where I celebrated a birthday many years ago and now to have my own family with me. Who knew you needed to arrive at 9am to reserve a table because all of the prior reservations were filled months ago???

It is amazing to see how much Grayson has grown from the adorable little newborn we saw just moments after his birth! His parents, Collin and Kate, are expecting baby #2: Peyton Scarlet King late next month. Morgan and Peyton already have a matching outfit for this summer! Brian accepted the awesome responsbility of being Peyton's Godfather. We can't wait to meet her!

Morgan is consistently using two-three words sentences when she communciates. Last night before we went to bed, Morgan held up her index finger and said 'one more book' as we were getting ready to go to bed. I couldn't turn her down as she looked too cute! She loves to climb on furntiure--especially her toddler table and the kitchen table. Morgan is learning to use a crayon, but gets more enjoyment out of putting it in her mouth or coloring on her table instead of coloring in her coloring book. She absolutely LOVES Elmo. We went to Toys R Us and Walmart recently and whenever we see something with Elmo on it, we have to stop and put it with her in the cart (belive me, there is more Elmo stuff out there than you think!). It is challenging to have to unload the stuff before we check out! She has an Elmo outfit we wear at least once a week--she gets so excited to put it on. Morgan and I start swim lessons next week. Morgan tried on a couple of bathing suits yesterday and she wasn't too sure of them--especially the two piece one. She also hated the sandals. I guess the sandals don't feel like shoes to her. Morgan also loves to look at books. Her favorite books are those with animals so she can make the animal sounds that go with them. My favorite animal sounds Morgan makes is when she imitates a monkey! Morgan has also started telling Sercy (the family dog) what to do. She started copying Brian and I when we tell Sercy to sit or lie down. Morgan also adds 'good girl' when she is finished. Morgan will even stand up in her chair so we can tell her to sit down and in which she proceedes to tell herself 'good girl! Morgan also likes to play with rice--we put a large sheet on the kitchen floor and she pours dry rice from different size bowls and cups (thanks to Amy for the inspiration!). Who knew rice could be so much fun :)

Morgan continues to be a joy in our life and we are continually amazed by her!

Next weekend is a quiet weekend at home--and we can't wait! For more recent pictures click here and here. For more videos, click here and here.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

That picture of Morgan in the elmo shirt is absolutely adorable!!!