Thursday, April 3, 2008

Three Weeks!

Another week has flown by. Matthew is growing very quickly - he has gained 2lbs in about 3 weeks. He even fits into some 3-6 month outfits! Matthew has a long torso so I don't think 0-3 month onsies will last much longer! Brian and I are still sleep deprived, but I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel as I only need to get up one time to feed him now (however, he pretty much eats non stop between 6 and 11pm-I guess he is storing up for the night ahead). Matthew has even begun to smile :)

Morgan is also doing well. We had parent teach conferences this week at her school and they pretty much confirmed what we already knew - Morgan is a very loveable, smart, well adjusted, motherly 2 year old. Brian and I are thankful that Morgan loves her school and teachers and has a great time there.
Proud Daddy and Matthew
The best part of having a newborn is being able to snuggle!

Smiling Matthew
Sleeping Matthew

Morgan and Matthew
Peppy and Matthew

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