Thursday, October 11, 2007

Our Trip to Chicago

Last weekend we went to Chicago for a family vacation and to support Brian as he ran his first marathon. We had a GREAT time. It was a great getaway for Papa, Ma-Ma, Brea, Peggy, and of course US! Chicago is an awesome city - I definitely think it is my favorite large US city - so much better than NY or LA. We stayed in an high rise condo on the 25th floor less than two blocks from the heart of the Magnificent Mile. Morgan would wake up every morning and would look out the large picture windows that surrounded the condo and would say - "Morning Morgan's Cago, see you later Cago." Cago was her version of Chicago. She even named our condo Mimi's condo. Brea loved that she could call it her 'own' - even if it was just for a long weekend.

After we arrived, we decided to walk down the Mag Mile and to do a little bit of shopping. Our first stop after lunch was the American Girl Store. I never was really into this series when I was younger, but my sister loved them and wanted to pass on her love of AG to Morgan. There are dolls, dolls, and even more dolls everywhere. You can take your doll to lunch, to a play, to have her hair done, or to the doll 'hospital' all under one roof. Of course, Morgan knew exactly how to get Ma-Ma to buy her the perfect baby doll with a matching Morgan and baby outfit (she really can turn on the extra cuteness factor on when needed!). That evening we found a great little Mexican Restaurant while we waited for Peggy to arrive.

On Friday, Brian, Brea, Peggy, and I went to the Chicago Marathon Race Expo. Papa and Ma-Ma took Morgan to Navy Pier to ride the Ferris Wheel. At the expo, there were so many booths to visit and plenty of healthy snacks to try (which is great for someone who is pregnant and hungry). Brian was able to hook up with his charities (ABTA and the American Liver Foundation) and was provided some great running gear for his running and fundraising efforts. A BIG thank you to everyone who gave to these important charities--both Brian's tumor removal and liver disease treatment depend on considerable amounts of research in which both these charities help support.

On Friday evening, we headed out for some deep dish Chicago Pizza and spaghetti so Brian could carbo load. After dinner, the Olson clan headed up the Hancock Tower to view the Chicago Skyline at night. Brian skipped out so he could rest his feet and Peppy spent some time with Morgan. I really hate heights - especially elevators that make you feel every inch of the climb up. Thankfully, the elevators in the Hancock Tower are among the fastest in the world and it was a quick 'painless' ride to the top.

The next day we headed down to Navy Pier and took an architectural tour of the Chicago Skyline. It definitely was the first time since we arrived that we really 'felt' the heat. It hasn't been that warm in Chicago since early August and never that warm in October. I guess the heat was great for tourism but horrible if you are planning to run 26.2 miles. That evening Brian and I headed to the movies after grilling steaks at the condo for a mini date night. The great thing about the condo was that everything was just a few blocks away and allowed Brian to experience Chciago without having to do a lot of walking. It definitely is a GREAT location if you are visiting or even living in Chicago. We also had three grocery stores within 2 blocks which made getting our food and living the urban life extremely easy.

On Sunday was the big race. We knew it was going to be a warm day. Nothing like a hot humid Atlanta Summer day but definitely warmer than usual. The recorded high for that day was 89--very warm for October. The temps on the race course as well as the temps the runners felt were probably well over 100 degrees though. Our first pit stop along the race course was between three and four miles. The enthusiasm on the course was awesome. We previously had watched Brian run the ING half marathon earlier this year in March but this experience was so much greater. Thousands and thousands of people lined the streets yelling to support to runners while making all sorts of cheering noises and ringing cow bells. DJ's and bands were placed throughout the course to help fuel the energy. Just waiting for Brian brought tears to my eyes - I was so proud he was doing something that very few people attempt or even finish. Right before Brian found us along the course (he knew where to look) the baby started jumping around in my tummy. I even thought - wow, Brian must be getting close and sure enough he appeared. Morgan loved seeing her daddy and her favorite cheer was Go DADDY Go!! As soon as he left to continue the race she was very upset and started crying.

After Brian was off we headed to our next stop - between miles 10 and 11. The street was more narrow at that point which made the enthusiasm from the crowd feel so much greater. We knew at that point the race organizers were having trouble providing enough Gatorade and water to the runners so we made sure we had bottled water and some fruit for Brian. Brian finally met up with us again and made a 'pit stop' to change the insoles in his shoes, drink, and then head back to the race. This was the last time we saw him until after he crossed the finish line. Little did we know that our trek to mile 20 would be for nothing as Brian was diverted at mile 17 to head to the finish. Race organizers cancelled the race and started diverting runners, making them walk, or busing them to the finish. Medical personnel were completely overwhelmed due to runners dropping like flies because of the heat and definitely because of the lack of water and Gatorade. Brian had trained most of the summer in Atlanta and consequently was well equipped to handle the heat. It definitely it was a disappointing end to the race as the Chicago Marathon (one of the top and most respected marathons in the world) quit before Brian did. I know he would have finished it if given the chance - even if he had to walk the last few miles because of his injuries. I wish he had the chance to finish. But, I am definitely grateful that Brian was in great shape after the race and was not one of the runners who ended up at the hospital.

Morgan's favorite part of Chicago was chasing the baby pigeons, looking down from the condo to her 'Cago', playing outside, and riding the trains and school buses. Ahhh, to have the simplistic view of life through the eyes of a toddler! Undoubtedly, Morgan enjoyed the special time with her Grandparents and Aunt Mimi (and I am sure the trips to McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts for breakfast didn't hurt!). Overall, we had a great time and it was wonderful to get away. The race didn't turn out as we expected but it certainly didn't ruin the weekend or erase the fun we had.

Click below for more pictures:

(I know this was a LONG post, but even if no one reads it in its entirety, I have a great little journal of our trip).


Lemmer said...

We had a great time in Chicago! (Minus the UGLY temperatures during the "fun run"!)

Alyssa said...

I looked at all of your pictures! It looks like you had a great time despite disappointments with the race. You can tell through your notes and photos that you have a very wonderful family. Thanks for keeping us up to date!