Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, I guess nearly every parent has the story of their child calling 911. Well, Morgan didn't exactly call 911, but we did have a police officer show up at our door last night. When I arrived home after work last night, Morgan and I went upstairs so I could change my clothes. She started playing with our home alarm remote that we keep upstairs (on Brian's nightstand). Once I saw what she was doing, I didn't think much of it but I did enter our security code just in case she armed the alarm. A few minutes later Brian arrived home and our phone rang. No one left a message, so once again, we didn't think anything of it. About half an hour later a police man shows up at our door. Apparantly Morgan triggered our silent alarm and the phone call had been ADT (the call went to our privacy director and because we didn't answer it, they couldn't leave a message). Thankfully, the police officer was very understanding (I was expecting a long painful lecture from the police officer, but thankfully he was very nice about the situation. ADT did followup with another phone call - we answered it this time. We have also moved our alarm remote so Morgan can't reach it. I do wonder why it took the police department 30 minutes to arrive though - what if it had been a true emergency!

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