Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Am I There Yet....

....almost??? Matthew's due date is right around the corner. The last couple weeks have been filled with lots of waiting. We have accomplished pretty much everything on our to-do list so now we are just waiting!

Thankfully we have been keeping busy so time has gone by quickly. Work has been very busy as I am trying to wrap things up before I leave for three months.

This past weekend the King family joined us for the weekend. We had a great time at the aquarium (Jackson came too!), park, and just hanging out. Morgan adores Peyton and Grayson so she had a blast!

Peyton and Morgan Swinging
Brian, Jen, and Morgan
Our Sleeping Beauty
Peyton and Morgan playing

Grayson, Jackson and Morgan just 'chillin' at the aquarium

1 comment:

Brea said...

Who is that grown up girl? It couldn't possibly be Morgan Elizabeth Lemmings?!?!?!?