Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Mama, Papa, and Mimi visited us last week and we kept ourselves BUSY! From a train ride through the civil war era to a Halloween light show/carnival to an Indian Summer picnic at the lake, we had lots of fun!

Sharing some love in front of the sugar shack

Riding the Ferris Wheel

Mimi with Matty (with Marshmallows on his face)

Roasting Marshmallows

Mmmmm....Doesn't this look appetizing.

3 tickets. $9.00. 30 second ride. 3 happy kids = priceless

Ready. Set. Slide!

Aunt Jen and Maggie

Happy Cousins
Fun at the Lake

Mama and her babies

Mimi and Mo

Mama and Matty

Showing off her skills

Playing in the yard

At a Civil War Battlefield

Waiting to reboard the train in Chittamauga (or something like that)

Our cozy train seats

Ready to go!

Excited to board!

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