Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Today was Morgan's third Halloween and the most fun yet. Originally we had planned for Morgan to be a pumpkin, but because we decided to come to Colorado, Ma-Ma and Aunt Mimi thought it would be perfect if Morgan dressed up as a doctor. Morgan loves to sing the song "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed". So they found scrubs (yes they make them for tots), a doctor bag, and a stuffed monkey to complete the outfit.

Our friends John and Amy invited us to a Fall Carnival at their church. Morgan played games and rode a pony for the first time! John even helped Morgan and Sarah 'fish'. The weather was chilly so I was happy to warm up with a cup of hot chocolate. Afterwards we came home so Morgan could trick or treat for the first time. After each house, she would say "I want to do it again". We only went to about ten houses, but she scored a major stash of candy. I guess because she asked so nicely and looked so cute, they couldn't resist giving her a handful of candy! Because the cool weather we came home to hand out the candy. After the first group of kids left, Morgan was a little upset and confused that the kids took 'her' candy. However, it didn't take her anytime to recognize the fun of the holiday and she would sit by the door waiting for it to ring so she could hand out the candy.

After a quick phone call to daddy (to tell him that she saved him the Dots), we took a quick bath and went to bed. I am sure she can't wait for next year - I know I can't!

More pics are here.

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